Interview with Dr. Michael Grossman, City University of New York Graduate Center, National Bureau of Economic Research
Health Economics,Abstract
简介:迈克•格罗斯曼教授是美国城市大学研究中心经济学博士项目的杰出教授。 他也是现任美国国家经济研究中心卫生经济的主任。格罗斯曼教授于1970年从哥伦比亚大学取得经济学博士学位。他撰写了五本书籍, 发表了66余篇学术论文, 是35篇专业书刊章节的作者。他的研究领域集中在建立经济模型分析美国成年,儿童以及婴幼儿的健康决定因素; 以及运用经济研究方法去分析青少年的烟草和酒精的使用;理性上瘾理论的实证检验;儿童医疗护理的需求;门诊医疗在社区服务中心的生成以及成本;免税医疗机构债券利率的决定因素。他近期完成的研究主要集中在烟草消费税对于孕妇吸烟行为的影响;青少年毒品使用与危险性行为之间的关联;肥胖现象的经济研究;管理式医疗对于对于搭桥和血管成型手术价格的影响;父母教育和台湾国家医疗保险改革对于儿童健康状况的影响。他是家庭经济学综述的主编,卫生经济,人力资源刊物的副主编,卫生经济前沿,健康服务研究的共同主编。他也是美国国家科学院成员,他曾经担任东部经济学会,全美卫生经济学会的主席。2008年, 他被全美卫生经济学会授予维克多福克斯终身成就奖以表彰他在卫生经济研究中的卓越贡献。他也是南开大学格罗斯曼卫生经济与医疗保险研究中心的名誉主任。
Bio: Michael Grossman is Distinguished Professor of Economics in the Ph.D. Program in Economics at The City University of New York Graduate Center and Health Economics Program Director at the National Bureau of Economic Research. He received his Ph.D. in Economics from Columbia University in 1970.
He is the author of five books, sixty-six journal articles, and thirty-five book chapters. His research has focused on economic models of the determinants of adult, child, and infant health in the U.S.; economic approaches to cigarette smoking and alcohol use by teenagers and young adults; empirical applications of rational addiction theories; the demand for pediatric care; the production and cost of ambulatory medical care in community health centers; and the determinants of interest rates on tax-exempt hospital bonds. His recently studies deal with the effects of excise taxes on cigarette smoking by pregnant women; the relationship between substance use and risky sexual behavior by teenagers; the economics of obesity; the effects of managed care on hospital prices for bypass surgery and for angioplasty; and the effects of parents’ schooling and the introduction of national health insurance on child health in Taiwan.
He is a co-editor of the Review of Economics of the Household, an associate editor of the Journal of Health Economics, an associated editor of the Journal of Human Capital, a series co-editor of Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, a member of the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, Past President of the Eastern Economic Association, and Past President of the American Society of Health Economists. He is the inaugural recipient of the Victor R. Fuchs Award for lifetime contributions to the field of health economics, presented by the American Society of Health Economists in 2008. He also is Honorary Director of the Nankai-Grossman Center for Health Economics and Medical Insurance at Nankai University in Tianjin, People’s Republic of China.